Rich Memory Master Training

Last Page



> Spanish Page <



> Names and Faces <



> Poems, Speeches, Songs <



> Numbers <


July 14th


You can find these Number Games in the Numbers page under Double Digits Level 2.

All Numbers

> Number Games 6 <

> Number Games 7 <

> Number Games 8 <

Number Games 9 <

> Number Games 10 <


These are new numbers. Different from the July 7th ones.

>> 10’s and 20’s – 2 <<

>> 30’s and 40’s – 2<<

>> 50’s and 60’s – 2 <<

>> 70’s and 80’s – 2 <<

>> 90’s and 00’s – 2 <<


Names and Faces

Check on the Names and Faces Page for the Update.

I have included 60 new sheets under Male Names 1-6 and Female Names 1-6.

I will include more after I upload a new poem and more Spanish words.


> Live Update of Over 2000 Words into Pictures <

> Updated Words Into Pictures PDF <


The Thaw by Henry David Thoreau

> The Thaw – Poem Only <

> The Thaw – Poem & Pictures <


Learn Spanish Verbs 4


> Numbers <

July 7th


Go through these sheets to help you strengthen the images for the numbers. Remember to Re-Use the locations at least 2x in order to strengthen those as well.

>> 10’s and 20’s – 1 <<

>> 30’s and 40’s – 1 <<

>> 50’s and 60’s – 1 <<

>> 70’s and 80’s – 1 <<

>> 90’s and 00’s – 1 <<

Names and Faces

Currently Updating the New Names and Faces sheets.

Check on the Names and Faces Page for the Update.

Click on the Female Names 1 & Female Names 2 Tabs to see those practice sheets

I have uploaded all of the Male Names to Pictures underneath each Male Names Tab.

I will be uploading practice sheets for those names today.


> Live Update of Over 2000 Words into Pictures <

> Updated Words Into Pictures PDF <

July 1st


I have uploaded 10 new Numbers sheets under Double Digits Level 1.

I have also uploaded new Phone Numbers in the Level 1 Section.


> Pictures for Cards <


Click on the Spanish button above to see the Quizlet cards.

> Spanish Verbs 3 <

> Places <


> Stars – Robert Frost <


> Live Update of Over 2000 Words into Pictures <