Rich Memory Master Training



> Spanish Page <



> Names and Faces <



> Poems, Speeches, Songs <



> Numbers <




> Spoken Numbers <


> Binary Numbers <


> Abstract Images <



> Words <


February 2nd, 2016

Hi Rich. I added the Words tab above in order to help you with memorizing random words and this will also help with memorizing poems. I have instructions there on how it’s done.

This is how all of the top memory people do it. We memorize two words per location. I have 30 sheets on there for you to practice with. 

The purpose of practicing with these lists, is for you to get used to creating picture associations between a set of words. The current record holder in the Poems event practices that event by first memorizing lists of random words.

August 14, 2015

Abstract Images

I created a new Abstract Images page up above. 

Binary Numbers

I added a lot of Binary Numbers sheets. Click on the Button Above.

August 10

Spoken Numbers

Spoken Numbers Page is Updated. Added a 2 Seconds per digit section.

Random Numbers

I added a Level 3 Section to the Random Numbers Page. This will be for all of the practice sheets that will help you prepare for the Memory Competition.

Training for Taiwan Memory Championship

[toggle title=”Progress Sheet Video“]




Memory Training Events Folder


Google Sheets

Memory Training Trials


Training Schedule

> Download <

Locations Required for the Competition: ≈ 300

Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 1.28.08 AM


Cards Events

[toggle title=”Cards Video plus Content”]

>> Cards into Pictures <<

>> Cards 10 Min Sample – Recall <<

Speed Stack Timer

>> Get the Timer <<



Numbers Events

[toggle title=”Numbers Video plus Content”]

>> Numbers Sample – Mem <<

>> Numbers Sample – Recall <<




Spoken Numbers Event

[toggle title=”Spoken Numbers Video plus Content”]

>> Spoken Numbers Sample 1 – Mem <<

>> Spoken Numbers Sample 2 – Mem <<

>> Spoken Numbers Sample 3 – Mem <<

>> Spoken Numbers Sample – Recall <<



Binary Numbers Events

[toggle title=”Binary Numbers Video plus Content”]

>> Binary Numbers Sample – Mem <<

>> Binary Numbers Sample – Recall <<

>> Binary Code to Numbers PDF <<

>> Binary Code Quizlet <<




Words Event

[toggle title=”Words Video plus Content”]

>> Words Sample – Mem <<

>> Words Sample – Recall <<



Dates Event

[toggle title=”Dates Video plus Content”]

>> Dates Sample – Mem <<

>> Dates Sample – Recall <<




Names and Faces Event

[toggle title=”Names and Faces Video plus Content”]

>> Names and Faces Sample – Mem <<

>> Names and Faces Sample – Recall <<



Abstract Images Event

[toggle title=”Abstract Images Video plus Content”]

>> Abstract Images Sample – Mem <<

>> Abstract Images Sample – Recall <<



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