Memorize Coronavirus COVID 19 Symptoms

The COVID 19 disease which is caused by the Coronavirus is becoming a global pandemic. Some people still don’t know what to look for when it comes to identifying the symptoms of someone who has been infected by the Corona Virus. In today’s Smarter Brain, Better Memory episode, I show you the Coronavirus symptoms memory training to memorize the 3 COVID 19 symptoms using the AE Mind Memory System.

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Here are today’s show notes and the resources for you to learn more about Coronavirus and COVID 19



For today’s episode, we’re going to be going over how to memorize the symptoms for COVID 19 which is caused by the Coronavirus.


Memory master champion, Luis Angel coming at you right here with the Smarter Brain, Better Memory show and yes, today we are talking about what the whole world is talking about and that is the COVID 19 disease which is caused by the Corona virus. I know there’s a lot of talk out there about what this is, what causes it, what are the symptoms of it, and look, I am not a doctor, I’m not a specialist in this field. However, what I will help you with is how to memorize the symptoms that are caused by this coronavirus. So that I can help you with. For everything else about this. I will direct you to the CDC that is a Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Now, as a lot of people know around the world, they started off in WuHan China in December of 2019. Now even by knowing about the Coronavirus, it did start to spread all over the world, including those regions, obviously right there near China, which include Taiwan, Japan, and then South Korea. It started going down to Australia. It went over to the U S. It went to Canada and Mexico.


It hit really hard and Iran. Right now that’s one of the most affected regions at the moment. Italy! It hit really hard in Italy and to the point where Italy as of March 9th, it was in full lockdown. All of the citizens were in lockdown in Italy. So many things and events and you know, sporting events shows the citizens just had to stay home and not go out and do their and perform their everyday life situations because of the Corona virus COVID 19.


Now as of March 10, 2020, we have confirmed cases. We have 114,000 cases globally of people that have been infected by the Coronavirus. The total number of deaths has been for over 4,000 people confirmed and those that have been affected by it, 64,000 of those people have recovered. So the numbers, although yes, we do feel for all the individuals that have passed, but overall people are recovering after getting sick from Corona virus.


Again, you do want to go to the CDC website. That’s . That’s the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. And they will give you all the latest up to date information about prevention symptoms and everything else that you need to know about how to protect yourself against Coronavirus. Now here are the three symptoms to keep in mind. One, it’s fever, two is cough, and three is shortness of breath.


Now the reason why I’m choosing this, apart from it being this global issue right now to help you remember what these are, is because it is three fundamental things that we can create a story for using the memory techniques that all the memory athletes use from around the world, to memorize information quickly. So this is can help you and it’s very relevant so it can really sink deeper into your subconscious mind on how to be able to use these techniques. Not only to memorize this, but any other piece of information that you want to memorize. So in order to take that information and remember it, you have to create a story out of the material that you want to learn. So in this case, we’re taking the three symptoms fever, cough, and shortness of breath, and we’re creating visual triggers to help us remember that.


For Coronavirus, corona virus my image association for that would be a crown. In Spanish. It’s corona, a crown for corona. So I would picture a crown for coronavirus.

If you think of something else, you can use that whatever you feel more connected with when it, when you hear that term Corona, Coronavirus, use that as a trigger. If the beer, Corona, popped up in your mind, you can use that as well. But for me, I would just choose the crown for Corona in this case. If you wanted to remember the actual disease name COVID for coronavirus you would maybe picture the Corona being covered with a blanket. So the crown Corona is covered with a blanket. It’s a coronavirus COVID 19. Covered COVID. Those are the triggers that I would use for that.


The first symptom is fever. So what I would do is I would put the crown on top of their head and it’s fitting them really, really tight so they start getting a red face and getting really heated and mad and you’d just see a bunch of steam coming out of their ears. So the fever and the red face is what represents the fever here in this case. Fever = red face, and they get really, really hot. So picture that for the first one.


To continue on and to add on to that symptoms, the story for the symptoms, you want to picture now coughing. So that person with the red face, they get so heated because the crown is really tight on their head that they just start coughing. They cough uncontrollably.


And then the third symptom here is shortness of breath. So they cough up a lung. A small, tiny lung that fits inside of their palm. So the small lung will represent shortness of breath and now they have a really tough time breathing.


So they’re coughing and they have a really hard time breathing on top of that. And their face is really red to represent the fever because of the crown that’s squeezing the top of their head.


So all those things, this is called the chain link method of memorization. So what you want to do is chain link, all of these, you link all of these different stories or images into a story to help you remember what the previous association was.


So the crown, to the red face, to the coughing, to the lungs.


These are all chained together in one story and it’s going to help you link all those together. All right, so that’s how you would go about to remember this. Remember the symptom. So the next time somebody asks, all you gotta do is remember the picture. You would want to review it a few times in your mind.


Although again, these are pretty simple too to remember on their own standalone. But if you do start practicing with the simple things on taking these techniques of storytelling techniques of memorization, you will be able to create stories such as this in other facets of your learning adventures and ventures at later on in the future.


So if you want to memorize grocery lists, you would just picture these different items maybe in a route in your mind, and connect to a memory palace. That’s where you place the milk and eggs., you’re breaking the eggs on your sofa and you’re pouring milk all over the eggs and a sofa. Boom. You go over to kitchen table and you place maybe some bread and napkins that you need to buy. So you put peanut butter jelly sandwiches all over the table and then you just start wiping the table down with some napkins.


Then you go back to those locations. What was on the couch? You remember that you put the eggs, you put the milk. Oh yeah, I need to get milk and eggs from the grocery store. What’s the next two items? Oh yeah, I need to get bread and napkins because you placed that on the kitchen table.


So if you want to start doing things like that very quickly off the top of your head, you would want to start with something simple such as these symptoms.


So number one, if you start seeing that you’re experiencing this or you see someone else around you, your family members, friends, other people started getting high fevers, start coughing a lot and also start having issues with breathing, you definitely want to recommend, as the CDC says first, have them put on a mask, or if you start noticing symptoms for yourself, put on a mask, go see a doctor so they can get you tested.


Because according to the CDC, this is a person to person spread. What this mainly means is that if somebody has COVID 19 and if they’re near you and the CDC says within about six feet, and they like sneeze your way, they cough your way, and you come in contact with those particles, that virus can hit you. Even if you’re wearing a mask, they can hit your face and this virus can penetrate through your eyes, through, down in your nostrils, through your mouth. It can even go through the ears as well. And once this virus, the Coronavirus is in your body, it goes into the cells and it just starts destroying and causing havoc. So be wary of this. Go see a doctor. If you notice it, if you start feeling the symptoms, obviously they will, tell you what to do, what steps to take.

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More than likely, it’s going to be some self quarantine checking yourself. If you have family members around you, make sure to keep them away, uh, you know, so that they don’t contract it themselves.


Now that you know what to look for, you will know more or less how to protect yourself. And I’ll go through some of these guidelines from the CDC in a moment. Now here’s some facts and figures about Corona virus and COVID 19. It’s coming from the China CDC. And overall, the fatality rate is around a 2.3 to 3.4%. But what we are noticing is that individuals that are over 80 years old, are at a 14.8 to 20% a rate of fatality, once they do catch the Coronavirus in their bodies. Those are the individuals that we do really want to keep an eye out for. If we start noticing these symptoms and you’re around family members that are at that age range or you’re around individuals of that age range, you really want to keep an extra eye out for the symptoms with them.


Obviously whoever it affects it is just not good news. You’re going to get really sick. But overall, the numbers of fatalities are much lower the younger that you are. Zero to nine years old, they haven’t noticed that many, as of this publication, they haven’t had any fatalities. 10 to 19 years of age, you have a one out of 549 cases. So it’s much lower. It’s not until around the 40 year old range, 40 to 49, is when you start seeing a little uptick. So you get a 0.4% chance of passing away from it and it goes a little bit higher. Again, those, those greater numbers are around the 70 to 80 plus year age gap there. That goes from 8% to 14% and even above the higher and the older that you are.


Now, why is that? Obviously again, I’m not a doctor, I’m just looking at data. I’m looking at numbers here. What the study shows is that individuals that have other diseases, other complications such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, they already have breathing issues, cancer and other diseases already in their bodies, those are the individuals that do have a much higher chance of not making it through if they do catch this virus.


So that’s why like in Italy, there’s a much older population out there for the most part, so the whole country is in lockdown because you’re trying to protect the elderly individuals that can potentially catch this virus. Again, not to sound alarming, you now know the symptoms. What are they? Red face, coughing, short lung, shortness of breath, right? So you’ve got those images locked in, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Those are the three main symptoms.


So what to do? Avoid close contact with people who are sick.


Cover your mouth or sneeze with the tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.


Make sure to avoid touching your eyes, your nose, your mouth. You know that this virus cannot penetrate through all those different areas of your rubbing your eye. It can go through there as well through your nose. And he like open pores. If you have any cuts on your face, this virus can also go there. If you, touch a surface that has it or you’re around somebody that has COVID 19 already and that virus is on your hands. Boom, you’re touching your nose, you’re touching cuts are touching your eyes, all these things, it can go in there. So make sure to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Stay at home when you are sick except to get medical care. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.


They say singing, like the happy birthday song can help you out with that to keep track of the time.


Otherwise sanitize. If you get sick, make sure one put on that face mask and go see a doctor to get the actual treatment and the testing kit.


If you want to learn more about how to improve your memory and make sure to get the Better Memory Guide here


One Response

  1. Luis Angel | Memory Coach says:

    Have you come in contact with someone that has been infected by the Coronavirus?

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