How to Memorize the Presidents 1-10

Learn the Presidents in Order from 1-10 and Learn How to Memorize them quickly, from George Washington to James Tyler as part of your US History / APUSH Review.

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This is Memory Master Champion, Luis Angel, ready to show you how to memorize the presidents in the correct order using a memory palace.

US History // APUSH Series

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How to Memorize the Presidents

  • Create Memory Palace Locations
  • Visualize the US Presidents Mnemonic Associations along the Memory Palace locations
  • Review the mnemonic stories that you created

Create Memory Palace Locations

In order to memorize the correct order of any information that you want to learn quickly and easily, you need to use a memory palace.

I outline how to do that in my House Locations Memory Palace video.

The idea is to imagine that you are at the front door of your home and then open that door to walk into the first room in your house. What is that room for you?

The first room that I walk into, is the Living Room.

You then want to choose 5 spots in this room and go clockwise.

For example, when I walk into the living room, the first thing on the left-hand side that I see is the Window. The second item that I see is the Table. I then move on over to the sofa. After that, I would see the mirror. The 5th location in the living room for me, is the TV.

Now go ahead and create your memory palace by doing the same process in your home. Choose 5 spots in 5 rooms/areas.


Now in order to memorize the US Presidents in the correct order, just turn their name into a mnemonic image association and have it do some sort of action on the corresponding location. 

For example, let’s take George Washington and turn that name into an image. I would picture a Washing Machine for Washington. I would then take that Washing Machine and link it to my first location, which is the Window. I wouldn’t just have it sitting there statically. I would make visualize myself turning into the hulk and tossing the Washing Machine into the Window and seeing the Window smash into a million pieces. I would see the soap suds coming out of the Washing Machine and covering the entire Window area as I begin to lick it. The more vivid that you make these stories, the easier that it will be for you to recall the images. 

You then do that same thing for every single US President and link its image to its corresponding location.

Afterwards, make sure to review each story on the location. 

As an advanced memory training tip, if you are already familiar with how to use a memory palace, then go ahead and link 2 images on one location. The first two presidents are George Washington and John Adams. See the Washing Machine (Washington) spitting out Apples (Adams) onto the first location. 

If this is the first time that you are using the memory palace memorization method, then only associate one image per one location as it will make the recall process much easier.

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Learn the Presidents in Order with these US President’s Image Mnemonics

1. George Washington Mnemonic = Washing Machine

George Washington Washing Machine

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1789-1797
Vice President John Adams

2. John Adams Mnemonic = Apple (Adam’s Apple)

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1797-1801
Vice President Thomas Jefferson

3. Thomas Jefferson Mnemonic = Chef Son

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1789-1797
Vice Presidents Aaron Burr & George Clinton

4. James Madison Mnemonic = Medicine

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1809-1817
Vice Presidents George Clinton & Elbridge Gerry

5. James Monroe Mnemonic = Moon Rowing

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1817-1825
Vice President Daniel Tompkins

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6. John Quincy Adams Mnemonic = Apple (Adam’s Apple)

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1825-1829
Vice President John C. Calhoun

7. Andrew Jackson Mnemonic = Jack (carjack)

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1829-1837
Vice Presidents John C. Calhoun & Martin Van Buren

8. Martin Van Buren Mnemonic = Van Burning

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1837-1841
Vice President Richard Mentor Johnson

9. William Henry Harrison Mnemonic = Hairy Son

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1841-1841
Vice President John Tyler

10. John Tyler Mnemonic = Tie

Presidential Facts

Years in Office 1789-1797
Vice President none


Make sure to review these several times on your house memory palace locations. On the next Memorize Presidents Episode, I will teach you how to memorize the presidents in order from 11-20.