Category: Memory Training


How to Memorize a Speech and Poem with Ease

Today you will learn How to Memorize a Speech and poem very quickly. AE Mind Memory System and Techniques to Teach you How to Memorize a Speech: Step 1: Locations – Create a mental map of locations to store the visual cues that will help you recall the speech or poem that you memorized. Step…
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Memorize Coronavirus COVID 19 Symptoms

The COVID 19 disease which is caused by the Coronavirus is becoming a global pandemic. Some people still don’t know what to look for when it comes to identifying the symptoms of someone who has been infected by the Corona Virus. In today’s Smarter Brain, Better Memory episode, I show you how to memorize the symptoms using the AE Mind Memory System.

Japanese Numbers | Counting 1-10

Learn How to Memorize and Count Japanese Numbers 1-10. As I prepare for the Tokyo Japan Memory Championship, I wanted to memorize some words and learn how to count in Japanese using the memory techniques. The basics of the AE Mind Memory System when it comes to memorizing words or in this case, counting from…
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How to Memorize Numbers • 20-29 Double Digits

Memorize the Images for Numbers 20-29

Remember Names Game 5

How many times does this happen to you? You meet someone new at a party, networking event, classroom, or at the grocery store and two seconds after you shake hands and introduce each other, you forget that person’s name? This used to happen to me all of the time. Then I learned the Key To…
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Remember Names Game 4

Three people that we met today and their corresponding name mnemonic association were: > Abel – A Pill> Howard – Hard Wire> Sally – Salad How many times does this happen to you? You meet someone new at a party, networking event, classroom, or at the grocery store and two seconds after you shake hands and introduce each other, you forget…
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Remember Names Game 3

Three people that we met today and their corresponding name mnemonic association were: > Amber – Ember Flame> Robert – Robot> Martha – Vineyard Grapes How many times does this happen to you? You meet someone new at a party, networking event, classroom, or at the grocery store and two seconds after you shake hands and introduce each other, you forget…
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