Adult Coloring Pages – Panda Designs [Free Printable Sheets]


We have Fun and Creative Free Printable Panda Designs Adult Coloring Pages for you. Get over 30 sheets in the PDF below.

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Adult Coloring Pages – Happy Panda Designs

Download the Full Adult Coloring Pages – Panda Edition Here

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I am pleased to provide you with a means of allowing your mind to flow freely and get rid of any stress that you might have as you concentrate on creating a multitude of masterpieces. Our Happy Panda Adult Coloring Pages designs have been uniquely crafted with you in mind. We have a wide range of patterns from simplistic and minimalist style designs to more elaborate and thought-provoking drawings. Whichever style you’re in the mood for, we have it for you.

Download the Adult Coloring Book – Panda Designs PDF

Click Here or the Image Below to Get the Full Free Printable Adult Coloring Pages of our Fun Happy Panda Designs.


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Who is Luis Angel and AE Mind

Hello, my name is Luis Angel. I am the creator of the Adult Coloring Pages Book Series. My biggest inspiration for this is my background in using my mind’s imagination to allow me to learn information quickly. I compete all over the world in memory competitions and became the Memory Master Champion in 2016 on a hit nationally televised TV Show. In order for me to tap into my mind’s full power to memorize anything quickly, I have to visualize that information in a very creative manner.

For example, when I meet someone named Sandy, I picture her and I building a sand castle together at the beach. If I have to memorize the number 23, I imagine Michael Jordan doing his patented sticking out the tongue while dunking the basketball in the hoop. Being creative is a huge part of my ability to learn and memorize something in a rapid manner. So how does this translate to coloring?

One day I was sitting down at the kitchen table having a hard time beating my personal record score of memorizing a deck of cards in under 5 minutes when I saw my nieces (3 and 7 years old at that time) drawing in their coloring books. They asked me to join them. Being frustrated and stressed out with not being able to accomplish my goals with my memory training trials, I took them up on their invitation. I set down next to my niece, Alise, and I began coloring in with them. After a few moments of scribbling the colored pencils on top of the princess pages, I noticed something. My mind started to clear up and my whole body felt much more relaxed than before. After some more time of being in this meditative state of mind, it hit me!

I knew exactly what I had to do to succeed at breaking the mental barriers of memorizing the cards at a faster rate. Fast forward to late 2015, I competed in the Australian Memory Championship where I placed 1st in the Cards event by memorizing the whole deck in 2 minutes.

From the Magic Eye Books that allow your mind to see images in a 3D manner without needing to put on any special eyewear, to coloring with my nieces as a way to increase my creativity, I started adding those tasks to my regular memory training routine. Adult Coloring Pages has increased my ability to stay relaxed under pressure, allow my imagination to flow out at will when I’m memorizing, and be creative with the stories that I must create when I look at any piece of information. Coloring has done wonders for my life, as I’m sure that they will for yours.

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How Adult Coloring Pages Books Help You

Download the Adult Coloring Pages – Happy Pandas PDF

We all remember during pre-school and in our early years of childhood when we sat down and colored on pages without any worry whatsoever. Remember how much fun you had filled in the blank spaces with any color that you wished to do so in. My blue crayons always went “missing” during these coloring and relaxing times. Blue has always been my favorite color and it was the one that I relied on heavily during my young aged coloring craze. Back then we didn’t have to worry about paying the bills or needing to provide food for our loved ones. We didn’t focus on politics or how much gas had risen in price for the week. We were kids and loved to have fun in worry- and stress-free environments. Coloring, whether at school or at home, was a part of that fun-filled life.

As we became older, we got busier and added more things to do and fill our daily lives with. We stopped focusing on having a clear mind and were forced to constantly think about our day to day tasks and duties. Welcome to adulthood. The boring work-filled, strenuous life that we knew was a possibility for us before we made that transition from kids to grown-ups, was actually true. Yes, we could sit in front of the TV after a long day’s work and allow our minds to be filled with constant negative news and other entertainment-based content, but that doesn’t allow our brain to truly relax and be at peace.

Known for its therapeutic, meditative, and relaxing qualities, coloring is a way to bridge that gap between the worry-free times of childhood and the constantly on the move life of adulthood.

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4 Major Benefits of Coloring

Download the Free Printable Adult Coloring Book – Happy Panda Edition
  • Remind your subconscious mind of positive childhood experiences.
  • Places your brain in an altered state of mind to help you relax.
  • Helps relieve stress by quieting down the mind.
  • Allows you to be creative, which exercises multiple regions of your brain.

Getting Started with Adult Coloring Pages Books

If you are an experienced colorist, then you already have your preferred method of coloring. If you are just getting started for the first time, then here are some things to consider when choosing to color:

Things to Consider

  • Purchase a large mix of colors
    • Gel Pens, Markers, Colored Pencils
  • Sharpener for Colored Pencils
  • Use a thick paper source/sheet to place behind your coloring pages.
    • Prevents leaks from Gel Pens and Markers onto other pages
  • Join local coloring meet-ups and Facebook groups to share the experience with other colorists.
  • Exchange coloring tips and connect with the community.

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