How a Firewalk Made Me a Superhuman Champion

Let me tell you how doing a Firewalk in 2011 changed my life and helped me become the 1st SUPERHUMAN on FOX Champion!



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I’ve now done 9 Firewalks at the Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within Event (UPW), and I can tell you that every one of those helped me become the 1st SUPERHUMAN CHAMP.

Before Kal Penn said that the winner was “Memory Master, Luis Angel,” I had to step out onto that stage and perform at an optimal level. What I did was envision like that walk was going to be the longest firewalk of my life. So I pumped myself up and placed myself in an ultimate peak state of confidence. Then I ran out full of energy and nailed my memory demonstration of memorizing over 500 pieces of information the day of my live test.

If you ever want to get into a peak state and access any feelings that you want to, from happiness to high energy, then just think back to times in the past when you felt that way and bring those feelings into the present moment. Then all you have to do is amplify them and take action on the task at hand.

That’s what I did and it helped me become the SUPERHUMAN on FOX Champion!